Sunday, 17 April 2011

Don't Call it a Comeback

So this is it.  My new blog.  It has been a long, long time since I've done a blog.  I had one a few years ago on this very site but after a while I more or less abandoned it (honestly I think it was because I forgot my password and was to lazy to go looking).  I also kinda ran out of things to talk about, or felt I did anyway.  I'm going to do my best NOT to let this one die but I tend to have trouble just posting random musings.  Usually I need something specific I want to talk about but I guess we'll see how it goes.  I've been told that doing a blog is a good way to make yourself write and if I'mn being prefectly honest, that might be the main reason I'm doing this.

I love to write creative fiction but I've had a lot of trouble picking up a pen.  I haven't done it in almnost 7 years.  I had a pretty in depth story going and then I left for basic training about halfway through it and just sort of...lost it.  I really, desperately want to finish it, and to hopefully write more, so this blog is going to by an attempt to get my shit together and get that creative vibe back.

......And to talk about hot girls and music a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you haven't "lost" it, you've just changed a lot since then. It's still in there waiting to be written down, and I'm willing to bet your new version will be so much better than what you would have written then. You are too talented to let it rest. Get writing asshole!
